Royal Guardians of Nepal

Nepal is one of the last Kingdoms on earth, ruled by King Gyanendra. Nepalese, royal tradition has consistently included the King having his own, personal guardians. This photograph is the only known image of one of these royal guardians. Apparently, they are skilled with a lightsaber and, according to legends, may have some knowledge of the force!

Though, the Nepalese royals have obtained this fantastic protective agency, two major royal massacres have occured in Nepal's history, one in 1846 and one in 2001. In April, 2008, Nepal is scheduled to no longer become a monarchy if approved by the Consituent Assembly.

In the past, Gyanendra, has had his differences with Parliment and, interestingly enough, locals have observed an increase in the "Gorakhnath Warriors" (the local term for the King's guardians) presence in public places. With his monarchy scheduled to end this month, some wonder whether or not his skilled forces have plans for a different future for the government of Nepal!

This evidence of an actual lightsaber, as well as a people who know how to use it, is a momentous find for the ISWWR team! What about The Force, the Jedi, or the Sith? One thing we do know, always two there are, a master and an apprentice. So, who is pictured in the image above, a master or an apprentice? The investigation continues...

Evidence #: ISWWR0000027

Submission by J. Hillman