Bigfoot's Bandolier

The result of brilliant detective work, this image clearly shows that Bigfoot is, in fact, a wookiee! Zooming in on the chest region a standard wookiee bandolier (utility belt) can be seen.

Bandoliers were medium to large items of utilitarian clothing that the owner could wear around their left or right shoulder down across their torso, or as a large belt. Normally worn by military or paramilitary forces as well as mercenaries and others who needed large supplies of ammunition, bandoliers consisted of many ammunition pouches sewn together or snapped to a belt. Though typically used to carry extra ammunition for blaster-type and other ranged weaponry (such as bowcasters), bandoliers could also carry grenades, supplies of syntherope, and other sorts of items useful on the battlefield or in covert operations.

California state parks have often reported stories of items stolen from camp sites that normal forest creatures would have no use for: matches, propane tanks, batteries, etc. Often times, these items required manual disconnection or opening locked doors to get to. This find of a wookiee in the woods may be the answer!

Investigations of other bigfoot sightings will begin shortly.

This submission to ISWWR highlights the need to examine closely images that we think we know very well. This is a fantastic example of how the facts proving that Star Wars is real may be closer than we think!

Evidence #: ISWWR0000020

Submission by S. Wickremasinghe